With the average family house normally having at least a Front door, Side door, Back door or Patio door and then a garage with one or possibly 2 locks, if we were to walk around with one key on our key ring for eerie lock we would soon feel like a … [Read more...]
Security Vans & Van Security
After coming across this story, "Man accidentally locks himself in security van in Gloucester", in a local paper (and finding it quite amusing) we thought we'd do a bit of research about security vans and the security of vans in general. Google … [Read more...]
How to Speak Locksmith! – A Glossary of Common Terms
As with any profession there is a whole lot of technical jargon a locksmith's world that will confuse the uninitiated. Whilst our locksmith will always do his best to explain any relevant terms to a customer this quick guide will let you in on some … [Read more...]
10 Important Ways to Secure Your Home from Burglars
You may think your house is secure at night or when you are away but just locking the front door may not be enough to stop experienced and determined thieves. It's easy to only react and make improvements once you, a neighbour or family member has … [Read more...]
National Landlords Association get advice about Security
Our friend and colleague Hannah Darling from Darling Angels recently invited us to attend the National Landlords Association when they met at Epiphany House in Truro. We were asked to give a talk to the members gathered on a subject of our own … [Read more...]