We were prompted to write this blog post after seeing the report in the Daily Mail about a burglary scam that Police in an area of London were alerting residents to. The burglars would put a fake locksmith advert sticker on doors of properties that they discovered were vulnerable to attack. They or an accomplice would return later. It’s something to look out for and be aware of wherever you live as these ideas spread. We are not talking here about genuine locksmith advertising such as postcards or leaflets put through doors. These were small stickers on the outside of properties.
Burglars have often used some sort of marks to note properties after checking to see if they are worth attempting to enter. The article shows some symbols being used in Manchester and dubbed them the Da Pinci Code!. Read the full article here: The fake locksmith sticker that could mark you for burglary
In another article, this time in the Guardian, a reporter invited an ex-burglar to point out the things that a criminal would spot about their house making it more likely to be targeted for a breakin. Before even entering the house these vulnerabilities were spotted,
- It was dark but the curtains were open allowing a potential thief to see what was worth stealing inside and showing potential entry points via the French doors at the back.
- The front gate was open and even though it wasn’t a security gate it forms a psychological barrier.
- The home didn’t have a burglar alarm.
- The owner did not use the second lock on the front door.
- There was no box over the letterbox internally to stop wire being used to hook keys left near by.
Read the full article here: Why I invited an ex-burglar to case my home
Picture credit: West Midlands Police from West Midlands, United Kingdom [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons