Garage door locks fail in the same way as any other lock, their keys snap in the same way as any other lock, so therefore we often get calls from people who have garage doors with a variety of problems, whether the lock is a manual key type or an electrically operated fob type.
For the majority of electrically operated door problems, it is normally either a programming issue, flat battery in the fob or possibly a receiver issue, but as with key locks there is generally a solution to the problem.
It cannot be denied that on occasions the lock in the garage door is obsolete but then this goes for any lock in any door. In this instance, we then have to come up with suitable alternatives. See my post: Obsolete Lock with a Sold Secure SolutionIf you have one of the old twist handle, up and over doors, then the simplest way is to replace the complete handle as on these the lock is integral. However, if it is the more modern handle with a lock fitted that is like you would see in a Upvc door, we would then replace the cylinder.
For doors that have obsolete locking systems and are beyond repair, then we have to fit an alternative lock and there are many examples already on our website.
One example would be for an up and over door we would recommend fitting the Sold Secure garage defender with its protected armoured padlock. However, these are not suitable for every door. For roller shutter type doors for instance we often use a product from the same company but a different design that bolts onto the door itself.
With any lock there are certain requirements needed and these must be considered, but these are not the only locking devices available. There are many devices but when choosing your lock, you must consider every aspect from how the door works to the general construction of the door and the frame.
Therefore, if you have a problem it is advisable to get some expert advice before attempting to fit anything yourself.
Customers with a happy experience of using Owl Locksmiths for their garage door lock repair: James & Amanda Pearcy, Redruth
If you need a garage door lock repair or replacement then call me, Barrie Howell at Owl Locksmiths & Security on 01209 229219 or use my contact form here.